News provided by ASP World Tour on 29 August 2005
Six-time world champion Kelly Slater has scored a barrage of perfect 10-point rides this year as he’s dominated the ASP World Championship Tour (WCT) with three wins from six events.
But Kelly’s status as leader of the world title rankings isn’t the only winner from his incredible form – a special school in Melbourne, in his home state of Florida, USA – has become a direct beneficiary.
Since 2002, every time Kelly has posted a perfect score in WCT competition, Jim MacDonald, a successful entrepreneur based in Southern California, has donated money to Kelly’s favourite charity – the Space Coast Early Intervention Center (SCEIC), a non-profit therapeutic preschool for children with and without special needs. The children range in age from 1-6 years old. The center is also a training site for future educators.
MacDonald said he began to donate to the SCEIC shortly after meeting the six-time world champion at Trestles, in Southern California, USA, three years ago.
“My goal was not only to make these donations as a testimonial to Kelly’s perfect wave scores and his passion for surfing, but more importantly to join him in enriching the lives of children with special needs,” MacDonald said.
This year Kelly has produced seven 10s in WCT competition, including the first two-wave perfect score of 20 points from two 10-point rides in the final of the Tahiti WCT in May. For this incredible performance, Jim MacDonald doubled his usual $US500 contribution per wave to raise his SCEIC donation so far this year to $US4,500.
The Quiksilver Foundation today announced that it would double MacDonald’s donation per ride. The executive director of the Quiksilver Foundation, Kathie Armstrong, said: “We were excited when Jim proposed that the Quiksilver Foundation get involved in ‘Kelly’s 10s for Kids’ campaign.
“The generosity of Kelly and Jim is inspiring. We certainly share their compassion for children and enthusiastically support this example of a team rider giving to others. The Quiksilver Foundation will double Jim’s contribution and donate $1,000 to the SCEIC every time Kelly scores a perfect 10.”
The Quiksilver Foundation’s donation adds an extra $US7,000 so far this year. To maximize the potential success and benefits of this initiative, Jim MacDonald added: “I would like to invite every one of Kelly’s fans from around the world to join Kelly, the Quiksilver Foundation and me by making a donation to this great cause. Just surf the net to www.sceic.com and click on ‘Kelly’s 10s for Kids’.”
There are five WCT events remaining to decide this year’s ASP World Title so there’s plenty of opportunity for Kelly to keep racking up additional perfect scores. The next event is the Quiksilver Pro Japan from 31 August to 7 September. It will be webcast live on www.quiksilver.com so fans can follow the action.
SCEIC spokesperson Shelley Johnson said their mission was to be the community’s premier non-profit center for the support, care, and maximum development of young children challenged by disabilities and their typically developing peers.
“At SCEIC, we believe that children with and without developmental delays, learning side-by-side, allows all children to develop friendships, become leaders and role models, and learn acceptance and diversity,” Johnson said.
“We recently launched a fundraising campaign that will help us meet the growing needs of our amazing and wonderful children. We feel privileged to be a part of Kelly’s 10s for Kids and we appreciate all of the support we will get through this project.”
Kelly Slater said he was excited to work more extensively with the SCEIC, the Quiksilver Foundation and the idea originator, Jim MacDonald.
“To receive a 10-point ride is a blessing in itself, but to have it honored by giving to those who could use a little support to accomplish the things they want to do in life is a bigger blessing,” Slater said.
“The school is something I believe hugely in. I was first introduced to them by Tim Wakefield (Pitcher, Boston Red Sox, from Melbourne FL) and have since brought awareness to them in any way I could. They provide a special place for kids to understand things that many people avoid or never learn to deal with their whole lives.
“I am passionate about getting people to know more about our hopes for these kids and this cause. Hopefully others will join in our mission to help with the SCEIC. Many thanks to everyone at Quiksilver and also to Jim for giving me this opportunity to help out indirectly and directly.”
Space Coast Early Intervention Center, Suite D, 3661 S. Babcock St. Melbourne, Florida, 32901, USA. Or visit their website at www.sceic.com
For further information please contact Shelley Johnson at SCEIC on
Phone: +1 321 431 0445
Email: Shellsbells100@aol.com
Kathie Armstrong, Quiksilver Foundation
Phone: +1 714 889 7198
Email: Kathie.Armstrong@quiksilver.com
Quiksilver will be doing live webcasts of the next three ASP WCT events on www.quiksilver.com and www.aspworldtour.com
* Quiksilver Pro Japan. 31 August - 7 September
* Boost Mobile Pro presented by Quiksilver. 13-18 September
* Quiksilver Pro France. 23 September - 2 October
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