Not a Private Beach - 13 May 2006
The owner of this surf camp is trying to privatize this beach illegally, denying the rights of the local people to use the land. A few years ago, he unilaterally put up a gate without the people's permission who live farther up the road. Some of these people were born at this beach, and make their living off of agriculture, and live in concrete, or in some cases, sheet metal huts. Now the owner of K59 bought his property eight years ago, built this expensive hotel, and now wants to deny everyone else except for a few wealthy landowners access to the beach so he can monopolize the surf tour industry in this part of El Salvador. The locals who live up the road have begun to protest to the mayor, and we'll see how their campaign goes, but in the meantime, please don't support privatization of public access beaches, especially in the third world where surf tourism money has such an influence on the local economy. Support the four principals of the surfrider foundation worldwide, and promote them especially when you travel to sensitive third-world communities. Thank you.
Submitted by: Diogenes -
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