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10 Photos // Barbados // Tom Carey

Author: Surfing Magazine

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Immutable surfing law: You can take the East Coaster off the East Coast, but you can’t yadda yadda.

And Jimmicane (SURFING’s Associate Photo Editor) is an East Coaster supreme. He lives physically in Cardiff but mentally, spiritually, ideologically in St. Augustine, FL, and consequently keeps an eye peeled for Eastern and Caribbean swell activity — same way you follow your old home team even after you leave town. A few months back, Jimmy spotted swell brewing and barked SURFING Senior Photographer Tom Carey into a Barbados mission, advising that it would be all time.

And it was — as evidenced below by Tom’s shots of Wardo, Josh Kerr, Mason Ho and Andrew Doheny. This trip illustrated a big chunk of SURFING’s Movie Issue [Feb. '11], including the cover shot. Thanks, Tom. Thanks, Jimmicane. Thanks, rabid East Coast pride.

Photos by Tom Carey


<a href=Josh Kerr was on Barbados filming for Kerrazy Kronicles, competing with himself for the final segment." title="Josh Kerr was on Barbados filming for Kerrazy Kronicles, competing with himself for the final segment." />

Josh Kerr was on Barbados filming for Kerrazy Kronicles, competing with himself for the final segment.

This wave of <a href=chris ward's was on half our covers that month; the other half had our AI tribute cover. We were stoked to get Wardo and Andy together one last time. Superb." title="This wave of chris ward's was on half our covers that month; the other half had our AI tribute cover. We were stoked to get Wardo and Andy together one last time. Superb." />

This wave of chris ward's was on half our covers that month; the other half had our AI tribute cover. We were stoked to get Wardo and Andy together one last time. Superb.

It was housing all day long, a North Point-style freight right in Rihanna's backyard.

It was housing all day long, a North Point-style freight right in Rihanna's backyard.

<a href=Mason Ho came along via the Lost connection with Wardo and re-re-re-re-raised the question: Why isn't Mason Ho more of a big thing? Friend can surf like a banshee." title="Mason Ho came along via the Lost connection with Wardo and re-re-re-re-raised the question: Why isn't Mason Ho more of a big thing? Friend can surf like a banshee." />

Mason Ho came along via the Lost connection with Wardo and re-re-re-re-raised the question: Why isn't Mason Ho more of a big thing? Friend can surf like a banshee.

Kerrzy again. He kept pumping through waves that certain of our staff described as, "Big enough to drive a bus through." Others insisted, "Big enough to fly an Airbus A380 through." Which was the better phrase became a point of some contention.

Kerrzy again. He kept pumping through waves that certain of our staff described as, "Big enough to drive a bus through." Others insisted, "Big enough to fly an Airbus A380 through." Which was the better phrase became a point of some contention.

Chris's own forthcoming biopic from Lost, called Ward Stories, got a huge boost from the footy gathered on <a href=Barbados. At least, we hear it's forthcoming — but we're not real patient. Sure you can relate." title="Chris's own forthcoming biopic from Lost, called Ward Stories, got a huge boost from the footy gathered on Barbados. At least, we hear it's forthcoming — but we're not real patient. Sure you can relate." />

Chris's own forthcoming biopic from Lost, called Ward Stories, got a huge boost from the footy gathered on Barbados. At least, we hear it's forthcoming — but we're not real patient. Sure you can relate.

Droid, spitting distance from Tom's lens. Where's your sticker, grom?

Droid, spitting distance from Tom's lens. Where's your sticker, grom?

Josh on a left hollow enough to run an Amtrak sail a boat park a mobile home—

Josh on a left hollow enough to run an Amtrak sail a boat park a mobile home—

All. Day. Long.

All. Day. Long.

This guy and his buddy made the opener to <a href=Chas Smith's profile of Wardo in the February Issue. Now when we think of Barbados we think of rum, barrels, beating up Chris Brown, and this guy, in roughly that order." title="This guy and his buddy made the opener to Chas Smith's profile of Wardo in the February Issue. Now when we think of Barbados we think of rum, barrels, beating up Chris Brown, and this guy, in roughly that order." />This guy and his buddy made the opener to Chas Smith's profile of Wardo in the February Issue. Now when we think of Barbados we think of rum, barrels, beating up Chris Brown, and this guy, in roughly that order.

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